About the Tool Kit
Content summaries for the Toolkit can be found by expanding the tabs below. You can also view and download individual sections of the Toolkit by opening the “Section Overview” tabs.
- Introduction
Section 1: Conservation Affairs Network Framework
Section Overview
The Conservation Affairs Network engages and unifies the efforts of The Wildlife Society, its 200+ units, and over 15,000 members to advance wildlife conservation policy issues at the national, regional, and local levels. Learn more about the CAN and ways you and your TWS unit can get involved.
- 1.1 Conservation Affairs Network Overview
- 1.2 Conservation Affairs Committees
- 1.3 Engagement Strategies for Conservation Affairs Committees
Section 2: Policy Engagement for the Wildlife Professional
Section Overview
Policy-makers need to hear from the experts – and when it comes to managing wildlife, that is you. This section outlines the basic information you need to know about engaging in policy and how to be successful.
- 2.1 You are the Expert as a Wildlife Professional
- 2.2 Rules for Success
- 2.3 Scope of Involvement
- 2.4 Steps for Non-Priority Involvement
- 2.5 Lobbying for Nonprofits
Section 3: Take Action on Policy
Section Overview
There are many ways to take action on policy or legislation development, but it all starts with a clear, consistent, and concise message crafted for the right audience. Section 3 gives you guidelines on how to use your knowledge and experiences to have maximum influence.
- 3.1 Crafting Your Message
- 3.2 Meeting with Decision Makers
- 3.3 Writing a Letter
- 3.4 Issuing a Press Release
- 3.5 Phone Calls with Decision Makers
- 3.6 Commenting on U.S. Federal and State Agency Rulemaking
Section 4: Developing Policy Resources
Section Overview
TWS and TWS organization units have a responsibility as scientific societies for professional wildlife managers and conservationists to address issues that affect the current and future status of wildlife. Section 4 provides guidance on how to develop authoritative resources to support your policy actions.
- 4.1 Position Statements
- 4.2 Fact Sheets
- 4.3 TWS Policy Library
- 4.4 Action Center
Section 5: Policy Processes & Where to Engage
Section Overview
You do not need an in-depth understanding of legal concepts and jargon, but understanding basic processes is needed to become an effective advocate. Section 5 will provide you with a basic overview of the policy processes and legal frameworks and highlight steps where you can get involved, enabling you to be an effective advocate for wildlife conservation and the wildlife profession.
Download Section 5 of the CAN Policy Toolkit
- 5.1 U.S. State & Federal Legislative Process and How You Can Become Involved
- 5.2 U.S. Federal Budgeting Process
- 5.3 U.S. and Canadian Federal Land Management and Natural Resource Conservation Agencies
- 5.4 Canadian Federal Legislative Process
- 5.5 Canadian Federal Budgeting Process
Appendix A: Template CAC Terms of Reference -
Appendix B: Glossary Of Legislative Terms -
Appendix C: Example Letter to Congress -
Appendix D: Example Comments on Agency Rulemaking -
Appendix E: Example Press Release -
Appendix F: U.S. and Canada Federal Policy Publications -
Appendix G: U.S. State and Canadian Provincial Legislative Websites -
Appendix H: Recommended Readings in Wildlife Policy